the Barbecue

This isn't technically painting, but I have had fun doing a series of blackboards for David Z's barbecue business (where I also happen to be his only employee). 

The tricky thing about working with chalk: there is no sketch or layout to follow, and the slightest touch smears or erases it. 
Still, the colors are great and it's a good layout/lettering challenge. 
We are opening in October, but I have already made this for the road; I am in love with this sandwich board! 


The Path of Tranquility

 Originally established around 2007, I made two signs for this greenspace in Lopez Village; one at each end of the trail. One sign has long ago disappeared and this one was attached to a fully rotted stump. 

Weirdly, in 2023 I moved into a house whose entrance shares the beginning of this path. I have been working on some signs since then.... 

This is the old OG sign, 2007.

I added these last year near my house to direct people away from my gate.

Here is the new one! I love it. 

Northsea Apothecary

Last winter I made a bunch of awesome new signs for Callie. I did not paint the kelp/rose hips on this one, just the lettering. I'm not sure who to credit for the awesome part...

 But I had a blast painting this sandwich board, and you can feel it, can't you? I was snowed in for a few days.

Lopez Center for Community and the Arts

 I lived in La Conner from 2017-2023 so there is a bit of a break in the signpainting, aside from making my own signs for Book Arts La Conner.

These were made just over a year ago, when I was beginning to move back to the island.

two more from the archives


My first sign after moving to La Conner in 2017; the business name later changed to Book Arts - La Conner; then the pandemic shut me down 2 years into my project. I loved painting this sign stand and it is still there on Morris Street, empty and sad, as you first drive into town from the roundabout (I took the sign with me). 

I was able to live in this house, have a small gallery, represent over 20 artists and also offer a small classroom space where I taught beginning Book Arts and block printing. I am still trying to get going again.

I tried advertising my skills in the valley, but this was my only job, a drag-racing car in a Burlington garage. It was interesting, but enamel paints are very hard to work with!

Lopez Historical Museum


I'm not going to lie, I am getting better and better at this signpainting gig.

This was a pandemic job; the almost full sheets of plywood barely fit into my tiny La Conner studio! But I was happy to have it.

Stonecrest Farm & Graziers

Contact me if you need a sign, exterior or interior, and take advantage of my many years of experience!
Brenna 360-503-6271;

Signpainting and Bookbinding

I'm living in La Conner now, but I'm on Lopez every 3 weeks or so to mow my yard and hack back vegetation so I can have access to my yard; also to keep my school-bus-house from becoming a wasp nest/bat house, or full of mold, depending on the season.  Ahhhh, idyllic country life!

I'm available once more to paint new signs or refurbish old ones. Scroll down for a mostly-complete portfolio of signs on Lopez Island. Email me with pertinent information:

I'm hoping old-fashioned arts and crafts like Bookbinding and Sign painting will maybe become more valued in this latest, real-life viral blow to our capitalist society.

Portfolio shots

I let this 'portfolio' get pretty out of date.
Here are a few projects from the past....
Pachamama and IOSA, both in Lopez Village

Imbolg House, outside of Eastsound (Orcas Island); hand carved by Rivkah Sweedleer, letter design and painting by me.

After about 10 years, Jean's spiral was finally worn out and replaced.

The Sundquist sign was painted during a 2 week stretch where my back was very messed up and I was stuck at home. even sitting at table was hard, but I couldn't walk or do anything else; also, it was winter; hence, the crazy detail...I probably made about $3 per hour on this one. but I love it! And I love them, so it felt good all around. This was a commission from a group of their friends.
Unfortunately, I never got a better photo of it.

lopez island junk bond

one of the things lopez island is famous for is our comprehensive recycling center and garbage transfer station, which is now run by the community itself...mostly volunteers.
i was truly honored to be asked to draw the junk bond for 2014.
since i don't have the financial stability to spend time volunteering there, this was a great way for me to contribute.
prints of this junk bond will be for sale soon, as a fundraiser.
for more information:

Inter-Island Creative Affair 2014

while i'm not really painting signs anymore (unless i really like you), i LOVE to draw and color. i spent an entire sunday on this poster, with glee.
this is a very warm and sweet event, with carefully selected artisans and crafters.
i'll have my journals and cards for sale there; come check it out if you're in the neighborhood!

big valley builders

a new sign for BVB, in the twisp/winthrop area.

...probably one of my last signs! nobody wants to pay me a living wage for this, and i'm done being cheap.

a recipe for 50 years of marriage

 this was not exactly my usual pen & ink 'family tree' drawing, but a watercolor painting on an archival canvas panel 16 x 20".
all of the information and text was provided to me by the family, and it was designed collaboratively in the beginning, until i researched some Polish ornamental design...then i went crazy.

a few more new ones

nothing fancy!

another new sign in the village; deja vu

the bottom sign is the new one; i painted the 'espresso' sign last year. the owner wanted BRIGHT,  and they wanted "shop" in huge letters! it's sort of obnoxious, but it gets the job done.

Lopez Island Coffee Roasters

a work in progress, and then the finished product.
this is the largest sign i've painted, at 4 x 10 feet!
i'll add a photo soon of the sign on the roaster building, where it was recently installed in Lopez Village.
you can find Dean slinging fresh coffee and beans at the Lopez Farmer's Market, most saturdays.